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Lilo rug by Pappelina

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Everything is coming up daisies with this Lilo rug by Pappelina. Designed by Lina Rickardsson, the floral design also comes in black, red and turquoise but probably looks the most retro, and least cutesy, in the colour pictured. Because of the weaving technique used, it's also reversible, so you could get olive green flowers on white if desired. 

Surprisingly this is actually made from plastic  – 50% comes from recycled plastic strips – so it's also very practical and easy to look after if you have kids running around. The rug comes in two sizes, 70 x 250cm (five flowers) for £112.72 and 70 x 350cm (seven flowers) for £164.35.

Buy it from the Scandinavian Design Center

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