Note all articles are independently researched and written by myself. However, if you buy via one of the links it may be an affiliate and I may earn a small commission.
Fuzzy-felt is something that probably popped up in most people's childhoods as, after all, it started being produced in 1950. Here's a chance to remember the creativity of your youth as the toy is now available as fridge magnets.
The magnet set includes over 100 felt pieces made in the three primary colours and the classic shapes that you'll remember. From children to animals to transport, they're all included.
The set costs £9.49 and makes going to get your milk out the fridge a whole lot more fun.
OH WOW! That takes me back! I did have a strange thing though for using the arms as drumsticks. 😉 I seem to remember having “Hospital” fuzzy felts and “zoo” or “jungle”. Awesome.
OH WOW! That takes me back! I did have a strange thing though for using the arms as drumsticks. 😉 I seem to remember having “Hospital” fuzzy felts and “zoo” or “jungle”. Awesome.