Categories / Design and Interiors

John Lewis retro-styled Aalto armchair and sofa

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Not sure if there's much similarity to the work of the man it's named after, but we like the retro styling of the John Lewis Aalto armchair and sofa.

Pictured above is the oversized armchair, with light oak legs, a high back granite-coloured 'chunky' fabric upholstery and the bonus of a scatter cushion.

If you want something bigger, check out the sofa over the page, which is in much the same style. Available for order now, prices start at £999.

Find out more at the John Lewis website


One thought on “John Lewis retro-styled Aalto armchair and sofa

  1. I thought ‘wow, that seems like good value from John Lewis’ only to realise you missed a 9 off the end of the price!!

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