Yes, we know you can pick up reproductions and replicas. Indeed, we've featured one or two on the site in the past. But for authenticity, this original 1930s art deco three-piece suite fits the bill.
For your money, you get a two-seater sofa and two 'club' armchairs. They have been re-upholstered in the 1960s in a tan leatherette with stud detailing, but apparently, the material used was the same as was used on Concorde. Another talking point thrown in for free! Love those curves though, screaming the era.
Condition is described as 'very good', with the odd scuff and one small tear to the back or the sofa. The frame is 'very solid'. Of course, you have the option of getting it re-covered. The price right now is £250. Lots more detailed images on the seller's page.