Details are thing on the ground here, but we are fascinated by this 1950s Avatone stereophonic record player.
We think it's 'Avatone' anyway. We just have the logo to go on, which could actually say 'Aratone'. But we're leaning more to the former than the latter.
Anyway, the seller claims this is a record player on legs with a separate matching speaker. An addition to the listing dates it to 1958, describing it as a 'very early stereophonic unit'. It would be in that year.
The player has a 'beautiful and rich' sound and is said to be in 'great condition for the age'. Full working of course.
We just wish it was a little cheaper. £150 is the starting price, with no bids so far. Would look great in a 1950s-styled room. If that's what you have, check out more images on the listing.