We do love this bike. In fact, we featured it for the first time way back in 2008. But as there are new colours just on the shelves, we thought it was time for the Helkama Jopo bicycle to get another moment in the spotlight.
As you might already know, this bicycle first hit the streets of Finland back in 1965. It was a bike designed for all, regardless of age or indeed size. It slowly faded away, but returned in 2000 in slightly updated form – the model you see here in effect.
Not much has changed. You can still adjust it to fit your size, it still keeps the same simple / classic look and it still has an upright riding position and no gears, making it ideal for popping around town.
The two new colours are the ones you see here (but others are still available too if you want something different), with the Jopo selling for €495.