Such a strong look. This 1962 Dansette Tempo record player in light blue really will get people talking. Pretty useful for playing your records too.
This particular player has been ‘fully restored electrically , mechanically & cosmetically to as new working condition’. According to the seller, it has been stripped and cleaned inside and out, with the end result described as being ‘as new working condition’. It certainly looks it on the photos.
The single valve amplifier has been serviced with any ‘out of spec’ components being replaced. A new mains cable and plug has also been added for safety reasons.
Inside is a four-speed Garrard Autoslim turntable, which has the option of stacking your singles. Talking of options, the seller gives you the choice of the original cartridge or a new cartridge if you are the winning bidder.
Do check out all the details on the listing for a breakdown of all the work undertaken. If everything is in order you can bid, with the current price as we write at £4.99.
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