Note all articles are independently researched and written by myself. However, if you buy via one of the links it may be an affiliate and I may earn a small commission.
We featured a Lego one yesterday, but today we are going for the real thing. That’s a 1967 Fiat 500.
A good looking thing it is too. But this isn’t just a pretty face. The red 500 on offer here has an upgrade 650cc engine and a fresh MOT for some peace of mind. Restored obviously, with ‘lots of paperwork and photos’ of that restoration included in the sale.
More photos on the listing if you want that, with the seller also throwing in ‘a few new spares’ as part of the deal. If you want it, do check out the extra images on the site. You can also bid there, with an opening price of £6,000 still not met.
Find out more at the eBay website