It has clocked up several decades of use, but this original 1950s Dansette Junior De Luxe record player still looks amazing.
But this isn’t just a pretty face, although it most certainly is that. This is one of the smaller Dansettes, with a red and grey check finish, as well as a wooden casing and plastic mesh speaker. A built-in speaker and valve amplifier of course.
The BSR deck plays records at three speeds using the original ‘turnover’ cartridge and the sound should be as good as it ever was thanks to an overhaul. The amplifier has been ‘thoroughly checked’, valves tested, new capacitors added and any out of spec components replaced. A modern mains flex too for safety.
All of that and a ‘proper’ auction too. Right now, the auction price is £59.09 with less than two days to go.
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