Note all articles are independently researched and written by myself. However, if you buy via one of the links it may be an affiliate and I may earn a small commission.
As far as we can see, no ‘real’ cars were hurt to make this Fiat 500N desk on eBay.
That’s because this is desk, based on a 1957 Fiat 500N, was built to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the car ‘out of all new parts’.
The seller adds that it has been finished in a Verde Chiaro 362 paintwork with Ocre 463 vinyl interior sections and was built to a ‘very high standard’.
Great for an office, home office or large space that can take this kind of novelty. It’s certainly substantial. As for the price, that’s a £1,695, although you can make a cheaper offer.
Find out more at the eBay website