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1970s Music Maker record player on eBay

1970s Music Maker record player on eBay
1970s Music Maker record player on eBay
Note all articles are independently researched and written by myself. However, if you buy via one of the links it may be an affiliate and I may earn a small commission.

This even comes with the box. That’s impressive for a 1970s Music Maker record player.

Ok, the box is a little tatty, but it is still the box, which always add to the value. As for the player, that’s incredibly of its era. Which is no bad thing on our book. A plastic portable record player, battery powered (new batteries are in) and described as having ‘a great sound’ and being in ‘great condition’.

Ok, you don’t want to play your rare £200 soul 45 on here, but for spinning some charity shop finds or reissues, this could be worth a look. £50 is the price right now.

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1970s Music Maker record player on eBay
1970s Music Maker record player on eBay
1970s Music Maker record player on eBay
1970s Music Maker record player on eBay
1970s Music Maker record player on eBay
1970s Music Maker record player on eBay

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