If you want something that looks like authentic 1960s men’s footwear, then you probably want to check out Dr. Watson Shoemaker.
In fact, if you want the complete lowdown, check out this interview with Ivan on Modculture, the man behind the Dr. Watson Shoemaker. It pretty much covers everything you will want to know, from inspiration to shoe quality. But failing that, let me give you the brief highlights.
Dr. Watson Shoemaker is based in Spain (but ships worldwide), recreating classic shoe designs from the 1960s as well as creating its own designs that take inspiration from the people and the style of that particular era. So if you want a pair of shoes like the ones worn by Brian Jones or The Beatles or you simply want footwear to match your vintage attire, Dr. Watson Shoemaker is worth checking out.
All the shoes are limited editions and all are made to the highest quality. The are also handmade, right down to the leather cutting and stitching, with the details second to none, with leather soles and interiors of course. If you have the money and the inspiration, Ivan will even make a pair just for you. But it will cost a little more than the general range.
If you want to see the end result, then simply look around this page, which has a cross section of designs, many of which are available to order right now in selected sizes.
But as I hinted at above, they don’t come cheap. Handmade, limited edition shoes of this quality just don’t appear at the budget end of the market. As a rough guide, you are looking at around £150 upwards for a pair.
Browse all the available styles at the Dr. Watson Shoemaker Etsy website.