Probably aimed at big kids as well as small ones, The Flintstones Lego set is now available and looks amazing.

Well, it looks amazing if you happen to be a fan of the classic 1960s Hanna-Barbera cartoon. I think that’s a good number of us.
Part of the Lego Ideas series, this one has jumped off the drawing board and into the stores, which is rather surprising as it really doesn’t seem like the basis of a Lego set.
But it works. It really does. You can hook together those mini blocks and create The Flintstones house and their iconic family car.
The house has a removable roof (so you can ‘play’ inside), an opening front door, sofa, TV, coffee table, bowling ball and bowling pins. That’s right, Fred and Barney can bowl from home instead of having to go out.
Talking of the characters, you do, of course, get those too. That’s Fred and Wilma Flintstone plus neighbours Barnet and Betty Rubble. No Pebbles or Bamm-Bamm sadly and no pets either. But you can’t have everything.
All of that comes in a themed box that also contains a booklet with building instructions, facts about The Flintstones, and information about the creator of the set.
Fancy one? You can get it directly from the Lego Shop, priced at £54.99.