A marriage made in retro toy heaven. Yes, you can now buy a Scalextric Wacky Races set.

Whether that works for you because you have small kids to buy or whether it’s a nostalgia thing, it really doesn’t matter. The important thing here is that this set should bring a lot of fun for someone, young or old(er).
For the uninitiated, Wacky Races was a TV show that started life in the 1960s but was a staple of BBC kids TV long after. Well into the 1980s for sure. This despite only 17 episodes being produced by Hanna-Barbera. Yes, just 17. And I don’t think Dick Dastardly won once.
Talking Dick Dastardly, he’s one of the competitors in this slot racing version of the cult TV show, driving alongside faithful sidekick Muttley. Sadly there isn’t room for the other 22 competitors on the track, you’ll have to make do with Peter Perfect. On the plus side, you can but Penelope Pitstop separately and if this set is popular, who knows? There might be an Ant Hill Mob car added too. But that is said more in hope than expectation.
As for the set itself, it is a Micro Scalextric. That’s a battery-operated with 4 metres of track and one that offers 9 layout options including a loop the loop and a vertical stunt ramp. It is aimed at slightly younger children than a full-size Scalextric, with the starting age at 4.
So good for young kids and with obvious appeal to the parents. If you want one you can buy it now for £49.50 and is available now.
Find out more at the Amazon website
That extra Penelope Pitstop is only available directly from Scalextric. You can find it here.
Via Junior Hipster