Not a vintage object. You can pick up this AGFA 1970s-style 35mm camera in two colour options right now. And neither are particularly pricey.

But there’s no denying that this is an old school camera – in more ways than one. The first is obvious. You look at this camera and you think vintage snaps This is the kind of camera people would have used on their holidays 40 to 50 years back.
It looks amazing today too. If you need something unashamedly retro for your photography, this is possibly a camera for you. But it’s not as easy as flicking to the camera app on your smartphone. Which brings me neatly to point two.
This is a film camera. A 35mm film camera. Which means you’ll have to buy the film, get it processed and just take your chance on that one shot. There’s no editing and deleting snaps with this one.
But there’s also a joy of film photography. The chance shot, the authenticity – you just feel more hands on with a film camera. But it is more work, there’s no denying that.
This camera, available in the two colours you see here, has a built-in flash and 32mm F9 focus-free lens. Just top it up with some 35mm film and you are away. Colour or black and white is fine. One last thing – you will need a AAA battery to keep the flash going.
Sold in a soft camera bag, it retails for £30, which might make it Christmas gift material.