I know; you probably worked it out yourself. Bowie Trumps is Top Trumps for fans of Ziggy himself, featuring 30 different Bowie personas.

If the ‘look’ of the cards rings a bell, it might be because you (like myself) picked up a pack of the Britpop Trumps a couple of years ago. They are still available, along with some Post-Punk Trumps too. But it’s the newly-arrived Bowie pack that has caught my eye this year.
How do you make a pa of Top Trumps out of one person? Well, you work with an artist known for multiple personas.
Each of the 30 cards features original artwork depicting one of Bowie’s personas, from ‘longhaired young upstart’ Davy Jones right through to Black Star’s unsettling Button Eyes, taking in the likes of Ziggy Stardust, The Thin White Duke, Jareth the Goblin King and many more.
Each one has a score for categories such as ‘Alien Factor’, ‘Pop Sensation’, ‘Outrageous Fashion’, ‘Hedonism’, ‘I’m An Actor!!!’ and ‘Bowie Rating’. Get the highest one, and you win the other person’s card. And if you win them all, you get the pack. Yes, just like the game you recall as a kid.
Fancy some? You can pick up a pack for £12.99. So firmly in ’stocking filler’ territory.