Upcycling done well, courtesy of these rather amazing vintage TV pet beds by Electric Dreams UK.
Because…what would you do with an old TV? They look amazing, but they don’t tend to work in the modern era. And if they did, the picture wouldn’t be great, and you certainly wouldn’t be streaming your Netflix favourites through it.
But yes, they do look amazing, and as you can see here, they work as a basis for an upcycling project. In this case, to create a small bed for your small friend. If they’ll go in it. From experience, dogs and cats tend to choose where they sleep. But you can always give it a try.
There are various models available, all of which have been converted from old TV sets to modern-era retro pet beds in the maker’s studio in Surrey. The one at the top of the page was the first to undergo the upcycling treatment, a 1951 model that was repurposed by Sean Lemin and upholstered by Anna Skinner in Rousseau velvet by Emma Shipley.
You can only imagine the amount of work that went into it and all the other TV pet beds available to buy now. As you probably worked out, each one is a one-off, giving you (and your pet) something unique for your home and adding in some retro character too. This is something that will get visitors talking.
Four models are currently to choose from at the maker’s site, with prices from £649.
Find out more at the Electric Dreams UK Etsy website
You might recall I did a round-up of quirky, retro pet beds a whole back. You can check that out here.