This replica Goodfellas knitwear by Scott Fraser Collection doesn’t come cheap, but it is pretty much perfection.
At least, it is if you love either this classic gangster movie or if you happen to have a thing for 1960s knitwear. Personally, I tick both boxes. However, whether my budget allows me to follow through and buy is another matter. I’ll come to that part later.
First off, let’s appreciate what a high-end clothing maker has done to recreate a couple of knits from this particular movie. If you’ve seen it (and I’m assuming you have), you’ll know that the clothing stays with you as much as the acting and the storyline.
The two designs are part of the label’s Icons range, each worn based on an item worn by Henry Hill in the movie. It isn’t the first instalment of this range, there’s also some clothing based on The Talented Mr Ripley too if you want to check that out (and it is still available to buy).
But I’m focusing on the new pieces, kicking off with the monochrome Idlewild, which was produced using an original vintage piece worn in the movie. If you want to get it right, you have to get close to the original.
Various shades of grey are set into a black body of merino wool, something that was apparently ‘extremely technical to produce’ but worth the effort. The front panel also includes two horizontal hip pockets and a mother-of-pearl button front.
If you prefer colour, have a look at the Salerno. This design has a deep navy blue main body and a custom-dyed royal blue front panel. Custom-dyed because they couldn’t find any yarn to match the original shirt, so they went out and produced their own.
The shirt also has a white and red stripe that runs vertically down the front, with a set of domed-covered buttons down the front placket – buttons have been re-created to have the same shape and size exactly as the original.
Fancy owning one? Some sizes are available, with others being restocked very soon. The price for each is £310.
Find out more at the Scott Fraser Collection website
Via His Knibs