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A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes

A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes
A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes (image credit: Lego)
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Of course, it looks cool. But this Lego Retro Radio can actually play your music, too—sort of.

A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes
(image credit: Lego)


Obviously, this isn’t an actual working radio. I’m not sure Lego can build circuits and transistors out of mini blocks, or if it could, how easy that would be to put together. But the Danish toy giant has a nifty workaround for it.

A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes
(image credit: Lego)


Well, there are two workarounds for it, in truth. First, there is a speaker within this retro device. And for some authenticity, there is a set of dummy stations that work via the tuning switch and the on/off control. Nothing special, but you can get it to play some sample sports broadcasts, radio static, and DJ banter from your 1960s-style radio.

A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes
(image credit: Lego)


But what if you want actual tunes? There’s an option for that, too, because this unit also works as a dock for your phone.

A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes
(image credit: Lego)


You can slip your phone into the radio and play tracks from your phone through the speaker, too. And not just downloaded songs. You can play via your favoured streaming service, like Spotify, for example. Set it to play a playlist, and away you go. A 1960s stream of music for your 1960s radio.

A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes
(image credit: Lego)


Okay, there are limitations, like access to your phone, the phone’s battery, and so on. But it’s a great party trick and takes what is already cool to the next level.

A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes
(image credit: Lego)


The only thing to worry about is building it. And that might be quite a task. The finished set contains 906 pieces and is an adult set rather than a kids set. So, put some time away to make it. You’ll need both time and concentration, I would guess – based on having attempted previous Lego Ideas sets.

A Lego Retro Radio that can play your tunes
(image credit: Lego)


It should be worth it, though. Just look at it. The perfect piece of decor for your midcentury modern home, and if you can get it working, quite the talking point, too

The set is available to Lego Insiders from 1st June 2024, with more open sales from 4th June 2024. Expect to pay £89.99 for a set.

Find out more at the Lego website

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