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Vintage Volkswagen Beetle desk on eBay

Vintage Volkswagen Beetle desk on eBay
Vintage Volkswagen Beetle desk on eBay (image credit: eBay)
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There are plenty of desks to choose from, but none quite like this vintage Volkswagen Beetle desk on eBay right now.

Vintage Volkswagen Beetle desk on eBay
(image credit: eBay)


According to the seller, this desk is made from a VW Beetle, although I’m not sure of the exact year. I am sure someone will be available to provide this information in the comments very soon—that’s usually the case.

Vintage Volkswagen Beetle desk on eBay
(image credit: eBay)


How this Beetle ended up as a desk isn’t clear. Was part of the car salvaged? Was it made from a perfectly good Beetle? I don’t know. I suspect if it was a perfectly good car, then it wouldn’t have been cut down into a desk, judging by the prices being demanded right now.

Whatever the back story, this is now a desk, a very large one and a very quirky one. I’m not sure if it will quite fit into most homes (it certainly wouldn’t make it into mine), but I can imagine this would probably work in a larger business premises or club. The first thing you see when you walk in – what a statement!

Vintage Volkswagen Beetle desk on eBay
(image credit: eBay)


The number plate comes with it, the lights are working, there’s a good amount of working space on the desk, and there might be some storage in that glove compartment too.

The downside? Well, apart from the issue of getting it into your house, there’s also the issue of price. £4,500, or you can make an offer.

Find out more at the eBay website


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