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Old school vibes with the Casio G-Shock x Pac-Man watch

Old school vibes with the Casio G-Shock x Pac-Man watch
Old school vibes with the Casio G-Shock x Pac-Man watch (image credit: Casio)
Note all articles are independently researched and written by myself. However, if you buy via one of the links it may be an affiliate and I may earn a small commission.

It is sold out in many places, but I have found somewhere that still has the Casio G-Shock x Pac-Man watch.

Old school vibes with the Casio G-Shock x Pac-Man watch
(image credit: End)


Sold out because everyone loves an old-school Casio, especially when it’s only available in small numbers. It’s the watch of nostalgia—many of us had a Casio at school. I recall mine having an arcade game built in, which made sitting through double geography so much easier.

Old school vibes with the Casio G-Shock x Pac-Man watch
(image credit: End)


Sadly, despite the name, this one doesn’t offer a built-in gaming experience. This is all about the look to celebrate 45 years of the Pac-Man arcade machine. And celebrating it with a watch based on the look of the original arcade cabinet, as you can see above.

Old school vibes with the Casio G-Shock x Pac-Man watch
(image credit: End)


The look and exclusivity are the two big selling points here. But note also the bio-based resin band, the retro digital display, an alarm and timer function, splash resistance, a built-in calculator, and a battery life of around five years.

As I said, it’s hard to find as most places sold their stock out pretty quickly. But you can still get it at End for the official price of £75.

Find out more at the End website

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